
shame spiral

i feel dicked over by dickwad magazine and i hope you all get gum in your hair and yeast infections and cavities and every pair of jeans you own will suddenly start fitting wrong and i hope you start looking really stupid when you smoke cigarettes, like you think it will look cool but it'll secretly turn people off and look weird, not all edie-esque which is how you think it looks. and i hope you get a crush on devendra banhart and i hope he tells you he loves you and fucks you really good but then he'll never call you and you'll spend the rest of your life trying to figure out what you did wrong. and i hope everytime you write a story it is filled with cliches and inappropriate use of grammer and no matter how hard you try to fix it, you just won't be able to. and i hope they never ever ever have your favorite flavor at tasti d lite again!!!!!!!!!!

oh pride
all of it

i'm so ashamed

10:13 p.m. - 2005-11-03


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