
chit chat

i guess i feel somewhat sad that new york nightlife is dead (to me), but i guess that's just what happens when you get older and you stop caring about people who were never really your friends in the first place.

quitting drinking helps one come to that realization much faster.

i guess on the downside it just makes for a lot of uneventful friday nights.

no time for chit chat. i wonder if people think i'm a jerk or they just don't care either way. hmm.

it's so weird to think about the cast of characters who go out now compared to like, 5 years ago. it all happens so quickly.

wow i can't wait to live in a house upsate with all my friends and we'll all make art and cook food and my babies will play with your babies and we all love each other and knit sweaters for each other on christmas and we can all braid each others hair and be best friens forever and there will be a fireplace and there will be a picnic table and we can sell our art to pay the rent and no one will ever get tired and no one will ever get ugly and no one will ever grow old.

can't wait.

6:44 p.m. - 2005-11-01


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