
special olympics

this house is amazing really. my first overnight with a 55 year old divorcee. shouldn't there be a scooby doo tent in the room? a big rubber ball and all the candy in the world?

aren't divorced dads supposed to buy you fun things and make you wanna stay, make you wanne chose them over your mom, make you never ever wanna go away?

there is a door in this room that leads to the porch. on the porch there is a hot tub and trees. oversized lounge chairs with big stuffed pillows and a dog who is big who is sleeping with me. the crickets and moths scare me when the lights go off although it is nice to be all alone,

all alone all alone all alone.

its not so bad we watched the olympics. michael phelps what a sweet peice of ass. he has a tattoo of the olympic circls right on the line where his speedo smacks against his hip. his torso is smooth he was wearing a ramones t shirt.

fuck i'm horny.

12:49 a.m. - 2004-08-21


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