

the reason i'm having trouble writing this story is because the story is far from being over.

and maybe i'm even a little scared that the story just won't be any good when it finally ends. in real life, things don't always reach a climax. sometimes they just build and build and then, we have to move on forget about it. sometimes there is no peak at all.

on the other hand, if i had kind of imagination, i wouldn't be waiting around for things to happen. i would make them happen whenever i want. its the beauty of creating fiction.

these new cigarettes stop halfway. it's so annoying. i have to suck real hard to revive its life force.

i have a strong desire to play raquetball. the wack the shit out of everything.

i saw the widow for one year movie alone tonight, it was ok. i wish i could write scary stories. maybe i can. this sleep cycle is really fucking me up.

1:26 a.m. - 2004-07-28


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