
nights on elm

god it was snowing today. snowflakes the size of matzoh balls. the barneys party was actually fun. cindy gave me a beautiful libertine dress to wear and i felt pretty. gay boys all over, but me and danielle levitt macked the scene a little bit and even tho we didnt score, the quest was fun. i actually ran into keirnan who was walking by as i was turning my key into my building. its a lot easier to charm someone when you dont care about them or feel emotionally invested in them in any way. isn't it funny how we always seem to run into our crushes when we dont have a crush in them anymore? he was all "so your gonna go home and read?" and i was like, "um, more like...look at internet porn." and he was all shocked. yeah motherfucker, its come to that. he's a close talker anyway. and he was going to get soup and i offered to go with him but naw g. didnt feel it. plenty of cute guys at pianos. this one kid kept looking at me and following me and he may have kinda cute if he wasnt such a fucking pussy. he was a total nerve.com guy. later for you sucker.

i so wanted to send an email that said:

"shawn mortensen is having a special public hearing on thursday. i cant say what its about but lets just say...he has AIDS."

that would have been funny, kind of mean. but he bailed so whatever. i love strangers with candy and i think i might stay home tomorrow night. unless sam's having a 'i just got out of jail' party. i cant wait to sleep so late.

my mom harshed my mellow today about money. i dont care for that.

4:13 a.m. - 2003-02-08


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