

today started off as the worst day ever, but progressivly got better. shawn actually met me and cindy and went to the meeting with us which was very cool. then i chilled with trevor all night who is AWESOME and i love him and keeps telling me to update my diary even though i assure him its all garbage.

shawn is coming out of the aids closet at the fish tomorrow. i wonder what that will be like. the whole aids hype went down a lot in recent years, but i guess in africa its still huge problem. i like that shawn is political actually. i would usually be annoyed by that kind of shit but its really pretty inspiring in a nelson mandela sorta way.

i know margot and laura want me to come to hampshire with them but i doubt i'll be finsished with the vice shit in time. wow. this is really fucking boring. i'd write all about my horrible day but now that its over, i seem to have put it all behind me. the meeting really fucking helped.

today i'm really into fugazi. i need a fucking movie date. a never ending sleepover party. snuggle city. there's something really depressing about watching movies alone lately. cant do it. i'm glad trev watched ghost world with me. for some reason it seems meaningful. i'm sure its not though.

fuck this shit man. more later

1:00 a.m. - 2003-02-06


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