
niggaz, bitchez

i'm at work and it's pretty boring today. the good thing about last night is that i got a new sponser and she is rad. i guess i just have to tell suellen now, but i dont think that will be a very difficult task. i dont feel bad/weird about it whatsoever. here's a list:

things that are better sober:

1. kid 606


3.drinking coffee


5.my memory

6.the way spring smells in the morning


8.most conversations

i want my hair to grow long. i want to wax most of my body and i want to be tan. not too tan but just a nice, healthy glow. i want to be smooth and buttery and soft but not too soft. ripe and ready for the summer. that is how i like to look in the summer. wet bathing suits, grape soda, sand sticking to your butt, mermaid parade, dirty hair, long drives, loud music, cigarettes, boys.

i'm gonna go to berlin this summer. austria and prague too. and, i'm gonna get a bike.

G and i had lunch together today and he was all "worried" about jesse. i mean, fake-worried cuz i said, "have an intervention." and we both just looked at each other and cracked up. that would SO not happen because, as G stated, "i dont care THAT much." it's funny but sad because J might actually benefit from an intervention. however, the idea is just too gay to even comprehend. i'm sick of thinking about him and missing him and worrying about him. so i'm just not going to anymore. maybe i'll go home this weekend...



4:59 p.m. - 2002-04-02


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