

I wish my brain worked better, I really do. People talk and I have a hard time paying attention, or my words come out wrong. I have been out of practice writing-wise for a little while. I haven't even been reading anything good, just all crap. And now I have to write a book and I'm all duh all over the place.

The book is in a weird place because a lot of the updates are written in the past tense, which is the most passive, sluggish, stale thing to read (in my opinion). I'm gonna have to change it.

It's also really hard not to change every single Dear Diary because I want to rip them all apart and start over. It's hard for me to like the things I write, most of the time.

My Diet Coke tastes like burning.

9:24 p.m. - 2006-08-08


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