
button button who's got the button

Scott made a limited editon LOST t shirt in honor of the season finale. The last episode leaves me in a land of confusion: the 4 toed statue, the bird that said Hurley's name, the mysterious Libby, the whole Penny situash...WTFOMGWTF?!?!

But look, I also got a table. What can't this kid do? It even flips up against the wall when not in use. Yawn, I got sooooo bored though. Tables? Meh.


On another note, plaster crafts is the new walking around on the streets lookin' for stuff to do.

Or maybe saying "...is the new" is the old way of just saying ceramics + friends = fun mem'ries.

fuckin blogs.

12:56 a.m. - 2006-05-26


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