
therapy me

now my hair is in that weird growing out phase, as if i had cut it really short and now i'm trying to grow it long. i never wanted it short. i never wanted this to happen. it a running theme, a recurring dream.

shelley said the way to break the pattern is through experience, not to intellectualize it. that and looking back into my childhood. yeah but shelley i looked into my childhood, there's nothing there.

there is something there. when you have nothing to say, it means you have everything to say.

but yeah isn't all this just theraputic bullshit that may not even mean anything?


oh but i guess it can't hurt. but then how come it does hurt?

cuz it works?

i went to harold's wake. i don't ever want a wake. it was weird.

4:47 p.m. - 2006-02-22


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