
my life in the sunshine

we went to the movies but we were early so we played hide and seek behind the tall movie posters.

we got donuts and gummy jolly ranchers and fruit punch. ouch my teeth hurt.

we watched the movie wolf creek which was really fucked up and disturbing and weird. it was like based on a true story and if that's really true then it's even more fucked up that they made into a horror/thriller type thing because when things like that happen in real life it's just called really, really sad.

then we snuck into another movie that we didn't know. the room went black and suddenly the title appeared. MUNICH. yawn. next.

the end of the family stone. much better, even the second time around. hey i'm no critic.

that's all i guess. the skys are getting blacker and according to XXXXX my heart is too. but come on.

we all know that's not true.

1:28 a.m. - 2006-01-04


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