
saving face

i had a bad dream last night.

i was away somewhere, like miami, and i was in the ocean. i remember being scared to go in the ocean because of sharks but thought "fuck it, what are the chances?"

apparantly in dreams, the chances are more than likely. i was floating on my back when two fins appeared next to me. i remember thinking to swim very, very still and ignore them because they can smell fear.

it didn't occur to me in my dream that if they do in fact smell fear, why that would provoke an attack...

but like most other irrelevant dreams, this was one was none the more pointless. the shark took the skin off my face as quick as lightening, faster than you can say "fear." i didn't feel as thing, it was as if the skin on my face had turned into plastic wrap. i thought "wow that didn't hurt but oh man am i gonna feel the burn later."

i went back to some apartment, skinless, faceless, and tried to call my parents. when i called them they said they had already heard, it was all over the news. "no problem", they told me, "we can get your face back on in no time. we've already called the doctor."

and then jordan came in to offer sympathy but i was like, "where's bill?"

"He's staying at a friends house."

i called and the phone was ringing and ringing and than a lady picked up so i hung up. i had the feeling that he had slept through the phone because he's such a deep sleeper.

i woke up then, and told bill i had had a nightmare. but now of course it doesn't seem scary at all.

well, maybe just the part about the sharks. i was suspended in water. frozen in fear. i thought to myself, 'i am never going in the ocean again."

but what are the chances of that happening twice? even in a dream.

8:43 p.m. - 2005-04-15


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