
a few of my favorite things

How the Millenium Comes Violently: I really enjoy this book for a number of reasons. First being that i am super interested in cults, mostly american ones, and this book goes through all the most important/weirdest ones. But the best part about it really is the author, Catherine Wessinger, because she talks about cults not from an arms length like "this is why these people are freaks", but more like in defense of cults, and ultimatly we are all in a cult in some form of another (consumerism, political, religious) and she helps us look at it from that point of view. Like why people want to try to better their lives and find spiritual happiness and how the media blows it all out of proportion because god forbid anything should threaten fucking coca-cola and christmas.

Coal Minors Daughter: i just saw this recently and it was awesome, really made my heart all a-flutter. it's the biopic of Loretta Lynn, with Sissy Spacek in the leading role. I like this because when we think country, we usually think Dolly and Patsy, but Loretta was real fucking grassroots man. She was a living breathing country song, with a hubby that slapped her around and a bushel full of babies. But none of that stopped her from singing and makin it big. She was like Patsy Cline's apprentice, and Patsy (played by an underrated Beverly D'Angelo) really took her under her wing and showed her the country ropes (lasso's?) before her untimely death.

Norma Rae: Another great film. I am really into film from the 1970's because they look really good and also because they are all sooooo heavy handed and full of catastrophic break downs and such. Norma Rae stars Sally Field and its about union organizing in the south. The dude who plays Rachel's dad on Friends plays this awesome stereotypical nyc jew who falls in love with Norma, but they never hook up cuz guess what guys? the movie's not really about love its about worker's rights ok???

The Perks of Being a Wallflower: this is the best young adult novel you haven't read. the hero in this book is so rad that you wish you were him in high school but trust me, you were never this cool. He makes a mix tape and puts "Asleep" by The Smiths as the first song AND the last song! now i know you never did that!

Carmex Lip Balm: the cure for herpes!!! (not that i have herpes or anything).

The Wu Tang Clan: i don't really like rap anymore, i certainly don't like to talk about, and i think redman and meth are gay for each other. that being sad, Wu Tang was the best and also the end of a hip hop era. Like remember the cribs episode when they go to Method Man's house in Staten Island and it's like the most ghetto house that his mom still smoked crack in? And when mtv followed ODB to get his food stamps for his 29394023 kids? It is very 90s and very over.

Eileen Myles: i really love her. everything she writes means so much to me, and she is one of my writing heros because she is first a poet, so everything she writes, whether it be Chelsea Girls or a piece about puppetry for index, she still is true to her poetic voice. Kind of like a ballerina who can also play vollyball. her writing has that kind of grace.

Alanna Gabin: alanna is my friend and she is awesome. for a while i didn't like her because she was going through some shit i guess and i just thought she was real bitchy to me. but at her core, she is a great friend and a great woman. she also doesn't realize how funny she is, like when she walks into starbucks and picks up a coffee mug and goes "cute" in the middle of telling a story about work and ex boyfriends. she is one of the only people i know who have a natural way around kids that doesn't seem too precious or creepy either. one day she will make someone a great wife and mother, but today she is just trying to feel herself out and i respect her struggle and can relate to it.

Vice Magazine: ok shameless promotion but really, i think vice is like the funniest, most honest, most brilliantly written magazines. i have been part of the family for almost 5 years now and even though we have driven each other crazy, i feel like those dudes have always been there for me and in a way, really saved my life. my best friends are the editors and they give me time and put up with my bullshit when no other magazine gives any kind of shit to do that. also, writing for them is really like writing for my own zine. i can tell the truth and use my voice and that is fucking rare my friends.

Tibor: aka Tara Sinn. if you ever read weetzie bat, then i'm sure you know who witch baby is, and witch baby is Tibor. she is a triple pisces and a triple threat and i never hang out with her, we aint even phone friends, but she is full of magic and inspires me a great deal on the daily. if you wanna understand a little more go to www.monchacha.com she also has a blog on diaryland but changes her name all the time so who knows.

Bikini Kill: all my friends know that BK is my fave band. sometimes i hate to say that, and sometimes i don't. i don't really like to talk about it that much because it means too much to me, but i know other girls my age feel the same. kathleen is my singing icon and her performances in BK were groundbreaking. unfortunatly she went on to dictate Le Tigre, who i don't think are so good. i wished she had gone another route and became a writer or something, because aging punk rockers are sad to me. my favorite BK songs are New Radio, Demi Rep, Strawberry Julius, Jet Ski, Liar, Feels Blind, and Jigsaw Youth. i don't want to be kathleen, but i do really like her stage style more than anyone's, and if i had a band and was the lead singer i would draw a lot of inspiration from all of it.

The Wormz: my book club. this is something that really means a lot to me. we haven't met in a while and we haven't had any banger books, but i have faith and i know the rest of the wormz do too. we also have t shirts that say WORMZ.

Bill Strobeck: it would be crude not to mention my friend Bill among my fave things because i hang with the kid 24/7---and let me tell you, we hang for a reason! just yesterday he was wearing white suspenders, a black beater, a newsboy hat, brown poly pants and white lacoste shoes. his fashion sense alone inspires me to get up in the morning. he never finished high school but is one of the most creative people i know, in fact, he has so many ideas that he often has temper tantrums. slow it down bill! when i first met him, i thought he was annoying, but then we got to talking and once he talked like a normal person i never wanted to stop the hang---and we haven't stopped since. i feel like we can say things and do things that no one else would get or care about it, and of course i have that with my other friends too, but with bill i feel like we have our own secret club and it is really a friendship like nothing else. plus have you seen him ladies? homeboy is one sexy motherfucka.

Elizabeth Peyton: i really don't know or care that much about art, but EP paints portraits that make me wanna do things. i don't think amy likes her because she usually only does portraits of cute boys and famous girls, but hey i like looking at those people so wtf. plus she just did one of morrissey when he was 13 and how cool is that?

11:39 p.m. - 2005-01-30


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