
i wanna spread my dementia

i'm fucked now because i slept all day. went to the hole, but there are only so many conversations i can have over and over and over again when i'm pmsing. earlymike is so fucking hot, but when i mentioned him to milly today she got ubes pissed. i dont even want to talk to him at all, he seems like a dick, but he's a nice ornament that hangs on the wall of max fish.

was gonna go into lit but decided against.

tonight sucked actually. actually, today totally sucked too. and now its 330 am and i cant sleep, so this sucky day wont even end. thats how hard it sucked. and i'm hungry.

shit man. everythings freakin me out.

3:14 a.m. - 2004-05-09


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