
no point story

got really insane last night. going to sleep was a bitch. not cool at all. went to the movies with emily and stacey and then rode bikes with em for a while and riding bikes is just the best thing in the whole world. our gang is called The Wanderers. so far its just me and em.

i saw C last night and he was pretty whatever. he doesn't know how to talk to girls. another one. but its cool, i'd like to be his buddy. no. actually i dont even care about talking to him so much. he's just so fucking nice to look at. when me and em were riding i think i saw him on a skateboard, but then again, i think he's a rah rah replica of just about every skater boy in nyc. i feel sad sort of about SW, because if i could draw a map of a boy that i would like...

but it just wasn't gonna work. the telephone exhausts me. talking to SW exhausts me. really! he just may be the king of the NPS.

(No Point Story)

even though the conversation i had with R was really good and important, i can't help but feel like a total fuck up for some reason. he basically told me that no one will repect me unless i'm doing something. maybe it bothers me because i know he's right. so why am i going out tonight?

is there anything so wrong about riding bikes and drinking margaritas in the summertime? does it make me a...

l.o.s.e.r.? a f.a.i.l.u.r.e.?

am i supposed to be an a.r.t.s.t.a.r.

right fucking now?

am i wasting my time, my life, or am i just living it? is there even a difference?

10:51 p.m. - 2002-06-30


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