
kick flip

here's a newsflash: skater boys are boring. maybe its my unrequited high school love thing, but i forgot something. skateboarders dont know how to talk about much else other than skating. sure, they are beautiful. some are even nice. rarely they are smart or funny but it exists. however they DO NOT know how to talk to girls and when your 28 years old i dont care who you are or how long you've been doing what, but get a fucking personality already. SW is different. MC is different. even S is different. i guess i'm referring specifically to this famous skater guy last night nite who wanted to sleep with me. when i was drunk, sleeping with a famous skater guy sounded kinda good. but after a sobering glass of water and pizza and a fire truck on my block, i was all--wait? who are you again? what are we talking about? oh, that's right. nothing. this is totally fucking boring.

i pulled a chick move which was "uh, i'm gonna go home alone i think..." the whole situation was cringingly embarrassing but i had to do it. he went back to cali and let's just hope i never see him again.

just because you skate, doesn't mean your first rate. P>

i offially dont talk to my dad anymore and i feel incredibly relieved. maybe eventually i'll feel sad about it but right now i just don't.

last night was fun but let's face it, girls like me are a dime a dozen.

2:08 p.m. - 2002-06-27


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