
eau d'bedroom dancing

i keep pitching stories that are getting turned down. my focus is off a bit these days due to spring fever, dance parties, vince, a purple bike, a fake ponytail, rock music, no money, a freckle face, dj-ing, fewer mtngs. but those are just excuses. there is this great article in the new issue about how the baby boomers have raised "baby networkers" and people think that in order to be great you have to "know the right people" which is bullshit and just an excuse for not actually having any real talent. ie mick jagger who got famous with a guitar and a good haircut and loads of raw talent. meanwhile, back in this millenium, there are millions of dorks out there who are creating brilliant shit but dont know the right people and a million scenesters who take a few photos and get written up as the next big thing, when in actuality they are just fakers. the guy who wrote it says it better then me but you get the point. fuck the network. make something.

i made a mix tape. i really like it. i may even break the mix tape rules and copy it for myself. it has:

eminem, the feminine complex, donovan, mike patton singing 'easy', peaches n cream, ted leo, duran duran, velvets, modern lovers, ratt, styx...its just good.

i'm really psyched about berlin and prague. i'll be gone for 3 weeks. maybe just enough time for people to start missing me. as much as nyc rules, it is crucial to go away. whatever happened to art based on fucking up, being a loser, self discovery, learning from other people, being earnest, romantic, humiliated?

finding yourself is the new networking

3:15 p.m. - 2002-05-30


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