
shit stew

It amazes me how people are willing to let huge chunks of themselves die, if it gets them even a tiny bit closer to the one whose body they get to lay on top of.

I have come to accept my depression, and with the acceptance I find that it has lifted some. It weaves in and out of my day like macrame. A big fucking macrame owl of sadness/anxiety.

I know my friends think I've made my bed and now I have to lay in it, and that is true. Someone said, "If you're eating a shit sandwich, it's probably because you ordered it."

And also someone said, something like, the more you talk about something, the more you become it. V. true.

Anyway, just don't rake up my mistakes.

I know exactly what they are.

In other news: I think I love sports! Maybe just basketball?

We went to the Knicks game, more on that later.

4:32 p.m. - 2006-04-01


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