
sorry to ew you

mornings are hard for me too. a lot of anxiety and sadness set in when i wake up and i start thinking too much.

and then i just try to sit realllllly still and realllllly quiet and i say to myself, "this is sad. this is how it feels to be sad." instead of doing something stupid because i feel sad and i think that feeling sad is important somehow.

and then i start wondering, since i don't believe in right or wrong or good or bad, then do i believe in mistakes? i don't know. because then i think, well i do believe in right and wrong. but there's a different name for it all, i forget.

i'm sorry that the whole wide world has to see this, but it's another thing i do to avoid doing something stupid.

i want you to be happy and i want you to have fun. i am trying to let go. ride with the ebb and flow. have faith, all that gross shit.

1:19 p.m. - 2006-02-09


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