
i'm a roman candle

i read somewhere "inside every photographer is a nerd" or something like that, but i don't think that's true at all.

photographers are like the cockiest of all kids, pretending to be nerds. pretending to be cocky.

it takes balls to bring your camera out and assume that people will wanna mug for it.

"ok everyone, say cheese. smile!"

it's different but the same. don't care what ya'll think or say.

when i was little my mom took me to sears to get my portrait taken. i sat on a brown carpeted cube. i wore a bubblegum pink sweatsuit and my hair was black. i looked chinese. when my mom let go of my hand i cried and cried and cried.

i thought she was going to leave me on that cube forever.

4:21 p.m. - 2005-11-29


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