
letters love me not

Super low points right now in job-land. I answer the phone with a smile because I have to, and I answer questions with grace and clarity, however there are tears of pain behind the walls and phones of the Maritime hotel.

Oh me!

I've become Moaning Myrtle: cold wet wails from the bathroom stalls. I imagine mist and fog and slippery grey marble. Like London in the ladies room. But it's not Hogwarts at the Maritime.

It says "Los Mexicanos" in the stall where i take my 5 o'clock doochays.

The library? Scholastic? Accredited ALA schools in MLS??? No no no. Why can't Lezzlez win?

I have a problem but I won't admit it. A love of something that refuses to love me back.

Oh words, why do you always fail me?

7:28 p.m. - 2005-07-30


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