
boring, not bored.

havent really felt like reporting lately. i keep starting and stopping. maybe things were getting too dramatic and intense what with all the secret code names and flirtatious innuendos. i'm at a point of acceptance with all things bad and good and maybe i'll talk it out someday, with someone else, but not here. maybe it's time to get private again.
oh but its so hard. its like, if i dont tell everyone everything all the time, why am i even existing at all? however the sad truth is that there just aint that much to tell.
i dont get scared here anymore when i'm alone. i like it and i love this harry potter apartment. i also think i'm at a good place with my group therapy because i just stopped thinking about it so much. it's here and it's there and it's everywhere and sometimes it's nowhere to be found and i'm cool with that.
frecklejuice said nice things tonight and that made me feel good, but i am so scared of success. success/failure-two sides of the same coin.
2morrow i start work at the maritime hotel where i will be answering phones for money and working at night, which is good.
welcome to my life. it's boring sometimes. are you surprised??
little do you know i have so so so much more to tell and show.

12:19 a.m. - 2004-09-27


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