
check please

tonight was good-bad-good-bad-weird.

a full day. cho cho's show was good, the anxiety of it was bad. cindy greene is good but trife life is bad.

then i went to acupunture, which was good but it is cuz i have a syiatic nerve i guess, which hurts, so thats bad. and the acupuncure was weird and good but it sorta hurt.

then i worked the door at terry's party which was good cuz i got to be a bitch for a nice amount of money. but the door was psycho and i couldnt get some people in, like jake or kenneth, so that was bad. but my friends came and i talked to terry and he feels happy so thats good. and i had a good outfit on. and there was this girl saying rude things to me at the door and i got to be like, oh wow you can actually leave the line now. future note: if you wanna get into a party, dont be mean to the one whos holding the list. power trip? defs. all good.

then i went to the fish and who did i see who did i see who did i see? i saw my little heart all fuckin broken in the worst way and it really made me sad. that was real bad.

then i went to tonic where gang gang was playing and they sounded good. good. but my past came back to haunt me which is lame to say its such a cliche but there was more than one past and they were there, riding my back, riding my shoulders like monkey bars.

tonight i missed the old apartment for a minute. for minute, i missed everything.

everyone i've ever met

people i dont even know yet.

3:26 a.m. - 2004-09-11


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