
so excited

sometimes i cant wait to make ammends to certain people, as if it will totally like, cleanse my soul and make me feel like a magical baby unicorn. everytime i make the secret sauce, more feelings come up, more questions unanswered. makes me wish someone would guess my password and rape my internet life.

i love the idea of someone reading my diary, robbing my house---not robbing, but sneaking in and like, trying on my clothes. weird right? i love the idea of a stalker, but not a gross stalker, a totally crushable passionate freak with ocd. delish~

he said that he was crying all week and having anxiety attacks. its so fucked up that i know that. its so delicious. thats fucked up too that i think that, right?

what are you crying about? move away. stop being so bored. its boring. stop drinking working sleeping. your life sucks. i dont want to live anywhere else but new york city right now. how can you be so scared of a city so small?

I m so scared but so excited. i'm so excited that i just cant hide it. i know i know i know i know i want you i want you.

1:10 p.m. - 2004-04-01


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